Tips & Tricks

Two Important Windows 8/8.1 Tricks
There are two easy tricks to using Windows 8 when you are used to older versions of Windows.

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How to backup correctly
Chances are you are approaching your backup wrong. This article discusses some important steps in backing up,.

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Ipsum Bacon
It's Bacon!

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So what can you find on this site?  Some technical information, some pictures of some amazing places to visit and how a data driven website can work.  This site ends up being my coding playground as much as anything.  You are welcome to wander around, read some tech info on the right, some basic computer info on the left or leave a comment.  Thanks for visiting.

How this webpage is generated

The left and right columns as well as the center contents of this page are all being generated from a database instead of being hard coded.  Using Bootstrap allows the site to change the position of the columns based on the device's screen size that is being used to browse.  Even the photographs are being displayed from a list saved into the database instead of being listed one by one in the HTML code by hand.  One important note for using the Bootstrap Carousel feature - the pictures need to be approximately the same aspect ratio or the layout can shift between photos.

Website Info

Data Driven Website
The topics you see displayed on the main page are coming from a database. This allows the text to be changed without having to alter the actual website itself. This makes it far easier for companies to spend time focused on their content - WHAT they want to say, instead of HOW to say it. Once the core design is completed, simple entry screens allow staff to add, update or delete information as needed.

Error Handling
What happens to your website when something goes wrong? Learn how to add basic error handling to your ASP.Net website.